Foot Health System

Foot orthopedic therapy

Product Introduction

Foot orthopedic therapy  

Foot Health System

In Japan, treatments rooted in ergonomics and biomechanics are integral components of rehabilitation medicine, physical therapy, and sports medicine. These approaches focus on improving posture, movement skills, and reducing pain. Physical therapists and rehabilitation specialists utilize these principles to develop personalized exercise regimens, posture training, massage therapies, and other techniques to aid patients in their recovery or enhance their quality of life.

Product Features

Foot scan
Foot scan
 Length and width can also be easily measured.
 The plantar pressure distribution is presented in color images for easy understanding.

lower extremity biomechanics
Comparative analysis of scanning imaging
 By displaying grids, perpendicular and parallel lines, the patient's progress and distortions can be explained more clearly.

physical function
Foot checkup, gait analysis, physical function test, etc.
 This system can explain detailed results and progress to patients in an easy-to-understand manner from all perspectives.

therapeutic approache
The intuitive images make it easy for doctors to explain to patients and also provide treatment options!
 By entering the measurement results, the system automatically displays the judgment.
 The patient's progress image can also be output to the medical record, making it convenient to continue managing the treatment.

About Foot Orthopedic Therapy

Foot orthopedic therapy is a rehabilitative technique that incorporates the principles and practices of lower extremity biomechanics to enhance overall bodily health.
By integrating ergonomics and biomechanics into their therapeutic approaches, practitioners in Japan aim to address musculoskeletal issues, alleviate pain, and improve overall physical function. These methods are applied in various settings, including hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centers, and sports facilities, offering patients effective strategies to enhance their physical well-being and comfort.

ergonomics and biomechanics

Biomechanical Kinetic Chain

In foot orthopedic therapy, it is important to consider the skeletal structure of the whole body when measuring the patients' condition.

There is a dynamic association between the spine and the pelvis, the pelvis and the lower extremities, and the lower extremities and the feet, which is known in biomechanics as the biomotor chain. It confirms that abnormalities in posture in one area may compromise seemingly completely unrelated areas.

The foot is the foundation of the human body that bears all the weight of the body. Abnormalities in the form and function of the foot can affect the entire body's muscular and joint system (body coordination), leading to continuous postural abnormalities and cascading pain.

Although not all problems originate from the feet, morphological deformities and functional changes in the feet may be the cause of stress on the whole body skeleton.

Indications for Foot Orthopedic Therapy

 Calluses / Flat feet
 Hallux valgus
 Gait abnormalities / Movement disorders

 Ankle pain / Knee pain
 Shoulder Pain

address musculoskeletal issues, alleviate pain, and enhance overall physical function address musculoskeletal issues, alleviate pain, and enhance overall physical function

JFHA Certified Foot Orthopedic Therapy Products

Certified products for inspection and recording

The foot health system is a database system that is linked to the Foot Scanner, which graphically processes the measured data and records the consultation and examination data.

lower extremity biomechanics

Certified products for the production of foot orthopedic boards

Custom foot orthopedic boards for foot orthopedic treatment are made using "Footfix orthopro", a device that processes the base material "Footfix base" to fit the patient's foot.

posture training, massage therapies

Certified orthopedic tape products

Footfix eTape is a taping made of wearable elastic material. There are four types to choose from, depending on the size of the foot.

improving posture, movement skills, and reducing pain


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